Thursday, April 24, 2008

I've completely lost my focus . . .

No one knows it, but that subject line is the punchline to one of my favorite one-panel comic strips of all time. I'll see what I can do about uploading it sometime.

I've decided that I should ease up on this blog a bit. By which I mean, not always restrict myself to posting when I have book reviews/commentary piling up in my brain. This should just be the place for my literature-minded comments, so look forward to more interesting links and musings mixed in with book reviews.

As I am in the middle of reading Roald Dahl's collection of stories, Skin, right now, and as I would consider Dahl to be one of the few writers who has fascinated me my entire life (as a child, I quietly celebrated his birthday by reading as many of his books as I could on September 13th, I hope I remember that date correctly), I now have a very serious reason to visit the UK.

Check it out:

This guy is the pimp of children's books:

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